Getting Started with
UP Phone
Simple videos to help you maximize your
privacy with your new UP Phone
Ready to unlock the power of UP Phone's privacy features?
Watch these core feature videos to get started.
Basic feature tutorials
Advanced privacy feature videos
Responses to Frequently Asked Questions
Get to know the UP Store
Onboarding with in the UP Store
You'll learn how to set up your UP Suite account through the UP Store; how to configure your initial settings; recover your password, and to apply the coupon for your first year of subscription to the UP Suite.
Let's talk apps
UP Phone has its own app store with over 5000 apps and growing.
Learn about which apps will and won't work and why. Submit app requests with our quick request form inside the UP Store. Live customer support responds quickly to requests. Across categories, the UP Store contains many of your favorite apps with an ever-expanding collection.
The Privacy Center: your digital fortress
The Unplugged Privacy Center is a signature feature of UP Phone.
Privacy Center is a conveniently accessible mode which blocks access points across the attack surfaces of the device. You can block the camera, the NFC, malicious WiFi and activate a Firewall at the OS level to block trackers across all apps.
Check back often for new, helpful product videos
Our customers have asked for more educational video content to learn the ins-and-outs of preserving their privacy and to get the most from UP Phone. UP Phone its unique features and the UP Suite apps.
The videos found here will give overviews and helpful tips. Almost two dozen videos including detailed how-to videos are in production and will be added in coming weeks to the Unplugged content library.